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Why so many Poles have already left Britain?

It is believed that around 1 million Poles resided in the UK prior to the Brexit referendum. There is some evidence, mostly from anecdotes indicates that around 200k members of this Polish community have quit the UK. What are the causes people have gone elsewhere or are considering leaving?

I was thrilled when I received an email from a dear acquaintance of mine Roger Casale, founder of the New Europeans and also a former member of the UK Parliament.

Roger sent me an email to inform me an associate of his, Peter Conradi, who is the editor of Sunday Times Europe He was able to write a piece this weekend on the reason that so many Poles have already quit the UK. I was extremely happy that I was able to meet Peter and the article was printed in the newspaper.

It was a fascinating discussion that, perhaps at first, prompted me to reflect about the root causes for Polish nation’s departure of the UK. This has already been felt by many people in my country. as well as countrywomen.

It is believed that around 1 million Poles resided in the UK prior to the Brexit referendum. There is some evidence, mostly from anecdotes indicates that about 200,000 people from Polish people Polish community have gone to the UK. It’s a massive departure of Polacy Wielka Brytania and I believe could continue to happen in the near future. So , what are the motives that people have left or are currently leaving?

Brexit vote, its ramifications and the post-Brexit uncertainty is one of the main factors. I think that a lot of us were unsure what direction the country was heading in. Does my status as an immigrant change? Can I work, rent or buy an apartment? My rights as a citizen be secured and secured? A lot of my friends were in an “limbo situation”.

Some people felt that the result of the Brexit vote also had emotional repercussions of feeling “unwanted” or being a second-class citizen. Some may have felt our contribution wasn’t valued and acknowledged.

According to me, the effects of the pandemic on health; the inability to travel, visit our family members (often older and in need) or job insecurity caused individuals to make a major change in their decision-making process. Freedom of movement is one of the main pillars that define the European identity and something that me and my family has greatly gained from but has also ended.

Many of us were forced to consider a range of life-related questions. We had to take into consideration the value of living a full life against the necessity to take care of or spend time with the members of our families. Did the pandemic strengthen relationships between families for many Europeans? Perhaps.

Another element, that I consider significant, that “helped” people make their decision about the condition of the Polish economy. The pre-pandemic world is the past, but it is vital to stress that Polish economy was doing extremely well prior to the time that the outbreak: the quality of life, the wages and unending (literally) job opportunities in Poland could have been among the motives behind why certain Poles opt to make the shift.

Am I worried? Yes. This weekend I received a letter from my Mum and brother sent us a beautiful parcel from Poland and included treats, Polish dumplings and clothes. It was interesting to speak to our driver (at 1am early in the early morning!) about the journey across Europe and, in particular, during the crossing of across the UK channel, presented some challenges.

The driver who delivered the parcels thought it could get worse if the volume of traffic grows. So…we were informed that the so-called “red tape” will be cut down. It was said that it will be simpler to trade. We were informed that Britain will be the leader in the development in the world economy. In a sense, quite the contrary is taking place in the UK. UK exports of goods to EU fell by 40 percent in January.

After the pandemic is gone then the government will need to stop blaming the EU as well as COVID for its shortcomings, inefficiency, and inability to keep their commitments, often breaking.

I’ll admit that the topic of migration, an international phenomenon, fascinates my heart. The future of our lives after Brexit as well as post COVID are going to be different, but I am sure that our urge to move and expand our perspectives will never end. Let’s hope that a lot of us will find “home” regardless of where we move or choose to stay or not.