In addition to having a house or paying for school purchasing a car is among the most significant purchase a person can make. Despite the enormous expense, a lot of people choose to be passive with regards to vehicle maintenance. While routine oil changes are beneficial however, they are only effective to keep your vehicle in good shape. For safety reasons and to avoid the need for expensive repair work, car inspections are crucial. Below are the most important advantages of using a car inspection service.
Peace of mind
Our cars are used each day to transport our family members and ourselves to and from work. Spending time and money in an inspection of your car is an effective way of lessening the chances of getting stuck while heading to soccer practice or being stuck in the parking lot of your office. Being confident that your car is operating well gives you the assurance that you as well as your passengers are secure and your routine will not be disrupted by car problems.
Cash in the pocket
A lot of car problems build up over time. This means that they are identified and repaired before they become a major cause of trouble. However, these small issues that can be fixed can be difficult to detect. A thorough inspection of your vehicle conducted by a trained and experienced technician can identify these issues early enough to prevent noticeable sounds or a loss in performance. Vehicle inspections can be costly however, identifying minor issues prior to them becoming problems can make a huge difference in the end.
Always conduct an inspection before purchasing an used vehicle
Inspections of cars constitute preventative maintenance and we suggest having them every two years. However, it’s equally important to get an inspection before heading to a excursion, following an accident (no regardless of how small) or prior to purchasing an used vehicle.
It is crucial to have your used vehicle checked prior to buying to determine any issues that it might have. This is a standard procedure since the test drives may overlook major issues which is a huge mistake. The ideal scenario is to purchase the car that will end up being a financial hazard. Most sellers open regarding the state of a vehicle that is for sale won’t have any issue with having the vehicle inspected prior to committing to the purchase.
A 24 point inspection
The items examined during a car inspection differ from shop to the shop. Certified technicians will conduct a couple of tests using hands and eyes to obtain a complete overview of the condition of your vehicle. Technicians will:
Examine the operation of the heating and air conditioning systems.
Examine brake pads and shoes for wear.
Check the brake hydraulics
Emergency brake test
Examine C.V. boots on front wheel drive vehicles
Check shock absorbers/struts
Examine the condition of the exhaust system
Check the undercarriage for evidence of damage
Inspect tires for the proper inflator, tread depth, and wear
Examine the gas tank’s visual appearance for leaks.
Examine the oil pan to find leaks.
Make sure the battery is checked.
Check the engine oil and filter.
Check the wiper’s inserts
Check air filter
Check the PCV valve
Check the fluid level in the transmission and the condition
Check belts for cracks or fraying. Also, look for wear
Check coolant levels in the engine and check the condition
Check the condition of the radiator hoses
Examine the conditions of heater hoses
Examine for leaks of coolant and/or surge tanks, radiators and the water pump.
Test the operation of turn signals and brake lights, headlights and tail lights
Check the brake pedal to ensure proper movement